My Platform
Rob’s Platform: More Livable
We have what it takes to achieve our dreams for our community to grow more livable.
We have a $604-million combined capital and operating Town budget.
These strategic sets of promises add up to my plan to ensure we grow more livable in the four-year term ahead.
Our strong finances make all that we want possible.
If re-elected, I will:
- Grow more Town Dividend Income to increase financial strength
And I will continue to:
- Keep our lead as #1 in finances
- Get clean annual independent audits
- Keep tax increases below inflation
- This term CPI is 13.3% but taxes grew just 6.7%
- Keep taxes lower than our neighbors
- Keep our AAA Halton credit rating
- Keep our open/public budget process
Economic Development
A livable community helps build a vibrant economy, and vice versa.
If re-elected, I will:
- Beautify Kerr and Bronte mainstreet districts
- Add more parking to the Bronte, Kerr and Downtown Oakville mainstreet districts
- Complete the Towne Square rebuild
And I will continue to:
- Stay on best place to invest list
- Meet or beat our target of new jobs/year
- Support the Ford plant’s future
- Grow our high tech health district
- Keep downtown revival strong
Parks & Recreation
Facilities for active lifestyles are vital for healthy lives, families and communities.
If re-elected, I will:
- Build a new central library and theatre
- Open our 7th community centre in 2024
- Build a new Palermo library
- Create a 2000-acre eco-park
- Create a park on Parkhill reservoir
- Create parks for the Riverstone and Winston West areas
- Complete Memorial Park
- Add more pickleball courts
And I will continue to:
- Add trees, trails, parks, and facilities to keep up with growth
- Maintain our GTA-leading traditional parkland standard of 2.2 hectares of parks per 1000 residents
- Renew older parks
- Add more outdoor rinks
- Grow the waterfront trail
Traffic & Mobility
I’m on the road around town constantly as mayor. So getting quickly, easily, and safely from A to B is a priority for me.
If re-elected, I will:
- Work to regionalize transit for more service
- Complete William Halton Parkway
- Improve seniors’ windrow service
And I will continue to:
- Improve traffic flow everywhere
- Make our roads GTA’s smoothest
- Add smart traffic tech
- Widen arterial roads
- Roll out speed controls and traffic calming
- Add more bike lanes
Climate & Environment
Our environmental programs have us ahead of the curve on dealing with the climate emergency.
If re-elected, I will:
- Complete our shift to electric transit
- Increase municipal energy saving
- Fund energy retrofits for homes
And I will continue to:
- Beat our 2030 climate targets
- Stay on the path to 40% tree canopy
- Save regional farmland from sprawl
- Advocate to grow the Greenbelt
- Protect our Town and regional Natural Heritage Systems
- Make Town buildings LEED (energy efficient)
Participation & Communication
Democracy thrives on the constant nurturing that happens with regular, two-way communication between leaders and all residents.
If re-elected, I will continue to:
- Keep public consultation strong
- Hold monthly public roundtables
- Keep Staff reflecting community
- Advocate for Truth and Reconciliation
- Conduct open by default Council meetings
- Publish Mayor and Council nightly e-news
Community Development
We preserve our hometown feeling by caring for old and young, embracing heritage and innovation, and developing neighbourhoods with heart.
If re-elected, I will:
- Complete Wyecroft bridge
- Complete Burloak Rail underpass
- Complete Kerr Rail underpass
- Add a public waterside pub to each harbour
- Convert the old boarded-up OTHS to seniors housing
- Get water services to Hindu temple
- Fix traffic flow at Al Falal mosque
- Right-size parking standards
- Increase vacant homes tax
And I will continue to:
- Speed up new school sites
- Protect Glen Abbey and all heritage sites
- Keep Oakville Canada’s most livable town
- Keep Halton Canada’s safest region
Provincially-led Planning & Development
We all want our children to have a chance for home ownership. This means we need more homes. The Province has set minimum targets for Oakville. Our plan – based on wide public consultation – focuses growth around transit hubs and routes.
If re-elected, I will:
- Focus growth on main transit areas
- Make GO station areas more livable
- Refresh Uptown Core plan
- Complete Neyagawa/407 hub plan
- Complete Palermo area plan
- Get province to restore Town regulation of noise
- Update Official Plan by July 2023 (the provincial deadline)
- Update Zoning Bylaw by 2024 (the provincial deadline)
And I will continue to:
- Win legal appeals against our plan
- Meet new housing targets
- Meet home price targets
- Add 100 housing units/year of public housing
- Fight amalgamation